вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Louis Aragon


Louis Aragon is a French poet, novelist and politician. Aragon wrote his first poems in 1917 serving as a hospital attendant during the WW1.In 1927 already famous French writer joined the French Communist Party and started working as a journalist. In the early 1930s Aragon got his first trip to the USSR, where he observed the life in the Soviet Union, and later on through his books got French people acquainted with the life in the USSR. During the WW2 Aragon joined the Resistance. In 1957 the writer won the Lenin Peace Prize. Aragon dealt with the popularization of the Soviet literature in France, paid much attention in his books to the toplic of the USSR. In 1962 in collaboration with Andre Maurois he published the parallel history of the USSR and the USA from 1917 to 1960. Still in spite of his sympathy to the USSR Aragon criticized some steps of the Soviet government- in particular, the Soviet invasion of Checoslovakia, and the lawsuits against Soviet writers.
Louis Aragon became the great French poet. His life and works still arouse the great interest. On March,27 2012 Paris held the opening of the square of Louis Aragon.

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Сборник "Ура,Урал",
опубликован в 1934 г.
The political views of Aragon explained his sympathies to the USSR, and became a turning point in decision of the Soviet government to invite the writer to the USSR. In 1930 Aragon and his wife Elsa Triolet visited the international conference of revolutionary writers in Kharkov. His speech at the conference made him famous among the Soviet writers. In 1932 Aragon as a member of a group of foreign writers went on a long trip around the Urals. Their purpose was to observe the great construction projects of Communism and tell about the success of Soviet modernization worldwide. The writers arrived in Chelyabinsk on July, 31 1932 . In Chelyabinsk Aragon visited the Chelyabinsk regional power station, ChTZ construction, made a speech in a railway club and literature club of ChTZ. In Magnitogorsk he visited one of the main Soviet construction projects  of 1930s - Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Later in his poems he called MMK «the black heart of the Soviet Union». Aragon was astonished with enthusiasm and devotion of Soviet workers and ambitious plans of the Soviet government. Aragon reflected his impressions of the trip in the book of poems «Hourra l'Oural», published in France in 1934. This book contains the poem «Valse du Tcheliabtraktrostroï», devoted to the СhTZ workers. Besides this book, Aragon also published his diaries, where described his Ural trip in detail. Thanks to Aragon France and other Western European countries learnt about life and tendencies of socialist Ural of 1930s.

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