вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Alya Rakhmanova



Alya Rakhmanova, by birth Galina Dyuragina, was born in the town of Kasli (now-the city in Chelyabinsk region) in 1898 in the family of a gentry physician. Alya spent all her childhood in the Urals, she highly appreciated her motherland and wrote a lot about it in her diaries. For instance, in the preface to one of her books Rakhmanova described her childhood the following way:
«I was fortunate to spend my childhood and youth in the rugged mountains and magical lakes of the Urals, in the unique world that showed me the mysterious forces of nature and human life, the world, which always helped me to find the key to the mysteries of these forces, world, which strengthened my love for God, for the people and for the good»
At the age of 14 Alya started a diary, that, later on, formed the basis for her first novels-autobiographical trilogy «the Symphony of lives». In 1916 she entered the philological faculty of the Perm university, where studied literature and psychology. However, the October Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent civil war in Russia destroyed the lifestyle of her family. After nationalization the family had to move to Omsk, where Rakhmanova married the Austrian soldier Arnulf von Hoyer. A year later the couple moved to Perm, shortly after Alya gave birth to their son- Jury. Her husband worked as a teacher of English,  she conducted lectures on psychology and children's literature. In 1925 at the request of the authorities the family was forced to leave the USSR. The Hoyers returned  to the motherland of Arnulf. Firstly, they stayed in Vienna.
Arnulf worked at the university, Alya after learning the basis of German, worked as a dairy-woman. 

International fame

Трилогия "Симфония жизней"
In 1927 the family moved to Salzburg, where Alya started her first novel, based on the contents of her diaries, which she was writing even at hard times. Due to the absence of typewriter with Russian alhabet, Rakhamanova was typing her novels in Russian transliteration. In 1931 Alya's husband translated her novel into German, and then demonstrated it to the editor Otto Muller, who after reading agreed to publish the book. Rakhmanova's novel
 «Students, love, Cheka and death» was published in Austria and at once became a best-seller with edition of 350 000 copies. The book described the events in Russia after the October, 1917 by the example of the Duyragins. From 1931 to 1933 she released two more autobiographic novels- «A married couple in the red storm» and «A dairy-woman from Ottakring», where she described her hardships in Soviet Russia and her first years in Austria. Trilogy «the Symphony of lives» was sold around Europe and got a writer an international fame. In 1935 Rakhmanova finished her next novel  «The factory of the new men».At the contest in Paris the book was rewarded as the best anti-bolshevik novel of those times. After a while, she realised several marketable books.Hovewer, in 1939 after Austria joined Germany her books were forbidden by censorship as its contents negatively reflected the development of relations between Germany and USSR. During the WW2 some of Rakhmanova's books were translated into Russian for the purpose of anti-bolshevik propaganda. In 1945 in the battle for Vienna her only child Jury was killed by the Red Army soldiers. After the Soviet Army took Austria, Alya and Arnulf escaped to Switzerland. Firstly they stayed in refugee camp, then moved to Ettenhausen. Rakhmanova continued writing, Arnulf editted her books and translated them into German. When in 1970 Arnulf died, Rakhmanova finished her writing activity. The talant and fame of Rakhmanova is proved by the fact that her books were translated into 21 languages and published with the edition of 2 mln copies. Her books influenced the formation of the image of the USSR in German-speaking countries.
Alya Rakhmanova died in February,11 1991 in Ettenhausen. She was buried in Salzburg, next to her husband and son. In Salzburg there is a memorial plate in honour of Alya Rakhmanova, a famous European writer of 1930s from the city of Kasli.

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