вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Zlatoust steel engraving


ГонIn 1815 at the order of  Emperor Alexander 1 the Russian government decided to start the first separated cold arms plant in Russia. In addition to the blades for the Russian army and navy, the factory also produced honorary weapon, decorated with Zlatoust steel engraving.
The first decorated blades were produced by German armourers invited to Zlatoust by the  Tsarist government to organize arms production in the town and to teach Russian masters . Soon, however, "students" became better than teachers in the art of decorating blades. Moreover, local craftsmen managed to improve sharp style of German engravings, adding elements to the decoration and composition, which at last formed a unique style of Zlatoust engraving , that glorified the city of craftsmen all over the world.
Март в рамеMain components of Zlatoust engraving style were developed in the works of the master Ivan Bushuev.Bushuyev introduced into the engraving the plots of Greek mythology and  scenes of Russian history. He was also the first to cover the entire surface of the blade with engravings .
In the second half of the 19th century Zlatoust engraving became more complicated and diverse. It was enriched by the elements of landscape and realistic motives. In addition to the blades, the masters started decorating with the engraving elements and compositions household products, cigarette cases and trays, cutlery and stationery .
In the first half of the 20th century due to the mass production of decorated items and simplifying the process of engraving, Zlatoust engraving turned out to be in decline, but in the 1950s the engraving art started to revive and return to its traditional forms .
Currently Zlatoust steel engraving develops quite rapidly. The masters return to traditional composition and artistic elements , improve production technologies. Zlatoust engraving gradually regains the position of the Russian and world brand .

International fame

Famous English geologist and explorer R. Murchison, who visited Zlatoust in 1848, highly appreciated the masterpieces of Zlatoust masters: "These products and steel tray , richly decorated with gold notch ... aroused universal surprise in England ." From this moment Zlatoust engraving became known in the West.
In the second half of the 19th century goods decorated with steel engraving, participated in exhibitions all around the world and everywhere won top prizes. Goods made by Zlatoust masters were exhibited in London , Paris, Stockholm , Glasgow, Philadelphia, Chicago , Copenhagen and Vienna. In 1923 Zlatoust products were demonstrated at the World Exhibition in Lyon.
However, in the late 1920s export of decorated products was stopped and art prints fell into decay . In the late 1950s , as the masters returned to traditional elements and technologies, Zlatoust engraving reappeared at international exhibitions : the decorated goods were exhibited in Izmir , Leipzig, Prague. Nowadays Zlatoust engraving is produced by 20 city enterprises. It is actively demonstrated at Russian and international exhibitions, the producers restarted the export of decorated goods. The ancient art of the Ural masters gradually regains lost ground in the domestic and international markets.

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