среда, 4 июня 2014 г.

The park of giant office supplies ( Miass)


The park of giant office supplies appeared in Miass in 2010 on the initiative of the company "Bureaucrat". Originally they planned to fix up a large clip in front of the office building of the company, but the idea was so amazing that it was decided to create the whole park. The project was actively supported by entrepreneurs and the city authorities, which allowed to implement the idea as soon as possible.
On May 29, 2010 the district Mashgorodok held the opening of the park. The main exhibits of the park include five giant sculptures made ​​by Miass company " RIFING " : 9-metre high clip, 3-metre high compass, scissors, a ruler, and a 2-metre clip. Next to each sculpture there is a stand with the description and the information about the history of a certain office supply. Thus, residents and visitors of the city can not only relax in the park, but also broaden their horizons. The park territory is fenced with giant colored pencils , the benches are made in the shape of lines or sets of colored pencils. Moreover, the park has a wish-tree. There is a tradition among the visitors to fasten the locks of love to the tree.

International contacts

The park quickly became a favorite resting place for the citizens, as well as the hallmark of the city. However, its creators went further. They desired Miass to be included to the Guinness Book of Records. For the purpose the initiative group prepared a request to London and after consideration by May 5, 2011 the special committee announced that the clip of Miass park is listed in the Guinness book as the highest in the world. The Miass clip broke the record of the clip from Oslo, made in 1990.


Visiting this unusual park makes people feel new emotions. Among the giant office supplies they may imagine they become smaller in size, remember their childhood or dream of successful future. Bright colours create the atmosphere of vividness, freedom and imagination. It is a great place to have a rest after working in the industrial city. If one day you visit Miass, do not forget about this park, it is really worth visiting.

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