вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

The Chelyabinsk opera and ballet theatre


Construction of the Chelyabinsk opera and ballet theatre started in 1937 on the site of the Nativity church, demolished in 1932. The opening date was fixed  for November 7, 1941, but due to the outbreak of World War II it was postponed. During the war, it was decided to place in the building the factory "Calibre" evacuated from Moscow. Only in 1948 when the factory moved out of the theater, the builders started the long-term reconstruction. The theatre was officially opened on September 29, 1956. In 1980-1983 the building was restored , after the restoration the theater gained its present shape .
Currently the Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre is the hallmark of the city. Citizens and guests of the city attend theatrical performances, which become an important and integral part of the cultural life of the region and the country.

International fame

The first international tour of Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre held in 2001, when the ballet company and orchestra visited Taiwan. In Taiwan they showed the first night of the ballet "Cinderella ." The ballet-dancers also presented to the audience another ballet - "Swan Lake" and the orchestra performed 3 programs of symphonic music of Russian composers. The tour was held in 12 cities, the company gave 10  ballet performances and 6 symphony concerts .
In 2003 Chelyabinsk Theatre went on tour in the UK. In London, the company presented ballets "Swan Lake" and "the Sleeping Beauty".
The next significant tour took place in 2005. At that time Chelyabinsk company returned from the USA, where it gave more than 60 performances at concert halls in Atlanta. Especially for the tour the company prepared a new concert program, which together with the recognized masterpieces of the Russian ballet produced a great impression on the American public.
In December - January 2009 Chelyabinsk ballet company went to China. The tour started in southern Shenchzhen, where Chelyabinsk presented the ballet " Swan Lake" , and continued on the main Shanghai's stage- in Shanghai Grand Theatre. The performers danced "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker", the audience burst into applause. Thunderous ovation was received by prima ballerina Tatiana Predeina and premier dancer Alexei Safronov. Chelyabinsk company also performed  in Northern Dalian and southwestern Kunming, and then returned to Shanghai, where they held the last show of the tour. That performance finally took the Chinese audience by storm.
In September and October 2012 Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre took
Опера "Кармен"
part in the International Festival of Dance and Music in Thailand. The company presented 2 operas in Bangkok: Madam Butterfly and Carmen. Queen of Thailand was present at Chelyabinsk performance and praised the skills of Chelyabinsk company. In addition, the orchestra took part in the music record for the last film in the BBC serial "Planet Earth".
From November to December 2012 Chelyabinsk ballet-dancers and orchestra toured in Germany. Chelyabinsk ballet opened the tour with the ballet "Nutcracker" in Dessau. For 1,5 months the company visited 35 cities in Germany , including Berlin, Munich, Leipzig and Frankfurt. The performances were almost daily, sometimes the company gave two performances a day.
Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of Glinka continues to go on tours and  holds high professional standards performing at various Russian and world stages. Thanks to the talent and skills of the company, the performances and concerts are always a success with the audience , both in Russia and abroad.

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