вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Magnitogorsk iron and steel works

About the company

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works ( MMK ) is the largest metallurgical enterprise in Russia. The works carries iron and steel , blast furnace, ore-dressing, coke-chemical and rolling production. The MMK group consists of 87 plants and companies involved into the production and sale of MMK products in Russia and abroad.
The works engineering started in 1925 in Sverdlovsk, and 3 years later, the project was complete and approved by Uralgipromez. Finally, in spring, 1929 the plant construction started. The construction workers from different regions of the country gathered to participate in the main all-union construction project. As a result, the works was built in record time. MMK was oficially commissioned on February 1, 1932 , that day the works produced its first cast. The following year the plant started making steel products, and in 1934 MMK launched the first rolling mill station.
ММК в 1930-х годах
During the Great Patriotic War MMK produced armor metal for the needs of the
Soviet Army. For the purpose the works regularly increased production volumes, as well as put new units into operation. This tendency preserved in the postwar period. In 1950-1960 MMK productivity significantly increased the productivity of the US Ironworks. In the mid-1970s the works reached the production volume of 15 million tons of steel per year, and in 1989 held a record volume in its entire history -16 million tons of steel. In 1990s the production volume decreased due to lower demand for the metal in the country. However , the factory gradually started to implement re-equipment .
In the 21st century MMK increases production capacities, puts into operation new metallurgical facilities, implements the enterprise retooling. As a result, annual metal production has a steady growth. The most ambitious and costly projects of MMK became the recent construction and launch of Rolling Mill 5000 and Rolling mill 2000. Currently MMK is one of the largest steel companies in the world with a long-term program of modernization and strong local and international bonds.

International contacts

For the works construction, along with the Soviet Union workers  the authorities actively invited foreign specialists, mainly from the U.S. MMK project employed about 800 foreign specialists. Steel companies from Europe and the United States took an active part in the MMK construction . The central power plant was built by the German company AEG, refractory production was  made by German Krupp & Reismann, mining production-by British Traylor. In addition, one of the rolling mills for the enterprise was produced by the German company SMS Demag, which still cooperates with MMK on the delivery of metallurgical equipment.
In the postwar period MMK production was mainly realised in the country, but a certain production volume still was exported to the countries of the socialist camp. However, in 1990 the situation changed greatly. The decline in demand for the metal in Russia led to the company's management decision to expand exports. As a result, in 1990s, the export volume in MMK reached 70% of total output.
MMK traditional export geography includes Eastern Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia. However, in the 21 century exports annually reduce due to the stable growth of the Russian economy, and the management strategy to increase sales of MMK steel on Russian and CIS markets.
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 MMK- Metallurji (Турция)
Recently MMK actively invests in joint projects with foreign companies and acquires shares of foreign steel companies. One of the major foreign projects of MMK was the construction and commission of a metallurgical plant in Turkey in 2011. The joint venture of MMK and Turkish company Atakas "MMK Metalurji" is situated in Iskenderun (Turkey), the investments to the project totaled $ 2.1 billion. The delivery of equipment for the new plant was organized by an Italian company Danieli, a longtime partner of MMK.
MMK actively develops international export bonds,implements a number of ambitious projects in Russia and abroad, and plays a key role in the global steel market. 

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