вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Cividale group

About the company

Cividale Group is the European steel-casting company headquartered in Tavagnacco, Italy. 15 enterprises of the Group produce and distribute  steel, copper and cast iron products for power generation, oil and gas, ship-building,  automotive and mechanical industries in the EU, the United States, Russia, China, and India.
Cividale group was established in 1968 in Cividale del Friuli, in the province of Udine in the North-Eastern part of Italy. Initially  the company produced steel billets for lamination and manganese steel castings.
In 1976  after Adalberto Valduga headed the company, Cividale Group entered into a  program of long-term development  through a process  of acquisition in the metallurgical field: steel foundries and forges,  as well as other industrial divisions of the components sector, such as valve and  pump production and machining. A number of Italian and foreign companies merged with the existing ones which were duly revamped.
A continuous action of production, plant rationalization and capital improvement turned Cividale Group in one of the main European manufacturers in the steel castings, iron castings and forgings.

Company's business in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region

BVK enterprise in Chelyabinsk
In December, 2010 the delegation of the Chelyabinsk region headed by the governor M. Yurevich arrived in Italy, where they had business talks with the representatives of Italian industries. The delegation visited a number of enterprises, including the works of Cividale Group and discussed the prospects of international cooperation between Chelyabinsk and Italy. In September, 2011 the Italian delegation returned the visit of Chelyabinsk. During the visit Konar and Cividale group signed a contract on building the new steel-works in Chelyabinsk. For this purpose two companies organized LLC BVK. The total volume of investments is equal to 50 mln. $. The half of this sum is given by the Italian company, which invested not only money but the technologies and equipment. The new enterprise was organized at the manufacturing sites of Stankomash plant. In 2012 BVK started the range of works on the capital improvement of the sectors and received the new steel-casting equipment by Daniele and EMF. In September, 2012 the Cividale group delegation headed by Antonio Valduga visited BVK for the purpose of controlling the construction process of the new works. In a year the enterprise was successfully commissioned. The productive capacity of the works is 25 000 tons of steel billets. The works created 300 work positions. BVK focuses on the production of large steel castings and basic steel parts for pipe and tube production and oil and gas sector. The prospects of the enterprise is to launch the production of parts for electrical and heat-and-power equipment. According the quality of casting and founding the enterprise is unique both in Russia and Europe.

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