вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Jaroslav Hasek 



A famous Czech writer and satirist Jaroslav Hasek was born in 1883 in Prague in the teacher's family. In 1889 he entered an elementary school, then studied at a high school. However, due to financial difficulties of the family associated with the death of his father , Jaroslav had to leave school . At age 14, Hasek took an active part in the anti-German riots, for which he was repeatedly detained by the police. In 1902 Hasek successfully graduated from business school and started working in a bank. However, Hasek was not interested in banking career , and soon after numerous absences got fired. In summer 1903 Jaroslav traveled to Eastern Europe , and several times was arrested by the police for vagrancy.
After return to Prague and the release of the first collection of poems Hasek decided to become a writer. He started writing humorous stories that soon became popular in his motherland. In 1909 Hasek worked as the editor of the magazine " World of Animals" , and after a while even opened Dog Training Institute, where he was engaged in illegal dogs selling and was accused of fraud. Generally , the name of Hasek often figured in the police reports , but he not only knew how to get into various funny situations , but also had a talent to describe all happened to him on paper , in his notes and short stories. That ability quickly turned Jaroslav into a popular Czech satirist.
In 1915 Hasek went off to war, but the same year in the battles near Dubno was captured by the Russian army. After joining the Czechoslovak Legion , he settled in Kiev, and then moved to Moscow, where joined the Communist Party.  As part of the 5th Army of the Eastern Front Hasek participated in political work in the cities from Samara to Irkutsk. In Irkutsk he was even elected a deputy of the city council. In 1920 in order to promote the ideas of communism and the world proletarian revolution Hasek returned to Prague. However, the Check public met him without enthusiasm. As a result , in 1922 he moved to Lipnits , where a year later died from diseases.

Мемориальная доска 
на месте дома в Челябинске,
где работал Я.Гашек
On August 17, 1919 as part of the 5th Army of the Eastern Front Hasek arrived in Chelyabinsk. Hasek spoke the Russian language fluently,what helped him to do the political work in the city successfully. During the time spent in the city, the writer took an active part in the establishment of the local Soviet authorities, headed the army typography, and also worked as the chief of  the international department of the army. Hasek not only published articles in Front newspapers , but also wrote for Chelyabinsk newspaper "Steppe commune" . In addition, he conducted lectures and gave agitational concerts in the Red Army club. In Chelyabinsk Hasek had 12 international meetings and 9 conversations on political issues. As a result of his work 720 foreign prisoners of war volunteered in the Red army and 468 foreigners came to work on local enterprises. On November 14, 1919 , together with the political department of the 5th Army, Hasek left Chelyabinsk.
A street in the Metallurgical district, and a library in Traktorozavodsky district of Chelyabinsk are named after Hasek. The building on the street Timirjazeva, 41d , where Hasek worked, has a memorial plate. 

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